“Only look back to see how far you have come.”
Here I stand in 11th grade 5' 7" and 112lbs. I look at this picture and it reminds me of two life changing things in my past:
One, my older brother Mike standing beside me was the single most motivating factor I have ever had in my life. He was physically gifted, strong, fast, and had the heart and determination of an Olympian. Mike was my only father figure growing up. I learned everything about how to find inner strength and drive from him. I didn't have the gifts he had but by watching and learning and getting tired of always being referred to as Mike's cute little brother, I set out on a journey to change my physical appearance that would last a life time. Without some sort of a role model early on it is nearly impossible to start from nothing and strive to achieve something.
Two, this image is living proof that not everyone is born with natural talents and athletic physical gifts. But with an incredibly strong internal drive you can start on your path to greatness. It may be a slower journey for some more than others but this picture always reminds me of where I came from and what I started with. Not much physically but I had a drive so strong inside of me it was involuntary. I could not stop my pursuit for excellence. I still can't stop. Never let you standards drop. Ever! And you will get anything you desire out of this lifetime.
Most people list their entire professional resume on their bio page. I won't do that here. It's more important to share how i feel we can reach our goal of Mastering Men's Health. Watch the VISION and MOTIVATION videos. Take the time to study the FOUNDATION page. Watch every single BODY PART video. Let the information sink in before moving forward.
Gentlemen, greatness will never be handed to us. It shouldn't be handed to us. It's providential. If you want something bad enough you should be willing to spend your life to gain it. You should love the journey and the fight. As simple as it sounds, being able to stand and walk and run is a gift. When you can truly get in touch with that you will honor every moment you are able to step forward bettering yourselves. More importantly, the experience you gain you can share with others. Lifting the ones around you up and moving forward together and leading by great example. I truly feel our journey will be complete when one day in the future you can stand and look behind you and measure your greatness in how many people you have lead to greatness along the way. When you look back not only will you see where you started or how far you have come but how many lives you helped to change along the way.
Now let's get up and go be great!